Stronghold  VIIIа -  KUČINO BRDO
Defensive line:
First line of defense Trebinje - Bileća
The second circle of the fortification ring of Trebinje

Tactical mission task
Control of the territory of Trebinje
Support for fortress VIII (Petrina)

Construction period

No data found

Machine gun8 mm MG M1907
Infantry  weapons
The stronghold VIIIa on Kučino brdo was built in the same period as the stronghold VIIa. The large facility was used for surveillance of the territory, rest and regrouping of the army. The remains of an ammunition depot can be found above it.
It took forty years from simple towers to armored fortresses.Wachaus is a brick, multi-storey tower to accommodate infantry crew. Zwischenbaterrie is an artillery battery between fortresses. Stutzpunkte is a stronghold that strengthens the defense of the fortress – VIIIa near Kučino brdo and VIIa near Golo brdo.  Werk is wachaus, with the addition of an artillery platform – Golo brdo, Petrina, Kličanj, Leotar. The armored fortress is the most modern type of fortress, built before the First World War. 
  • Wachaus Gljiva³
  • Wachaus Alte Kula³
  • Werk Kličanj³
  • Werk Leotar³
Find on the map – Ring of fortresses around Trebinje (right side of the board) examples for each type of fortifications.
By 1900, three revolutions had taken place in Europe's military industry: in transport, in small arms fire, and in artillery. The soldier came out of the railway car well-rested, the machine gun developed into the deadliest weapon, and what decided the outcome of the battles was the artillery - steel barrel pipes, with a range of 8 km and smokeless gunpowder. This technological revolution concentrated the defense of the border into strong fortresses. In the early 1980s, these were stone towers, reinforced with artillery platforms. Before World War I, the only safe protection was in armored fortresses. But you will find out more about that when you get to Strač.
Armored fortress¹
  • Ring of fortresses around Trebinje¹
  • Artillery fire plan around Trebinje²
In four decades, nine fortresses were built around Trebinje (on a map numbered with Roman numerals), whose artillery completely covered the town and its surroundings. In two rings of defense, and it consists of a town and fortifications on the hills, 36 different buildings were built, and together with the accompanying infrastructure, about 100, in which there were about 4,500 soldiers.
It consisted of fortified towns: Trebinje, Bileća, Mostar and Sarajevo and defensive lines towards fortresses.
Map of defensive lines
¹ Source: Radojica Pavićević
² Source: Volker Pachauer
³ Source: Österreichisches Staatsarchiv
4 Source: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung

Important Note: Explore the fortresses and use the trails at your own risk.
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Improving the quality and diversity of the tourist offer based on natural and cultural heritage in the border rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.
This website is part of the FORT-NET project "From the Medieval Fortresses in Herzegovina to the Austro-Hungarian Fortresses in Montenegro" funded with the help of the European Union. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the project partners and does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union.
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