Cave Badanj


Stolac records signs of life starting from the epipaleolithic period (14 000-12 000 B.C.E.). Somewhere in the waterbed of a blue river of Bregava, in a cavelets, in a rock, 45 meters above the river flow, a caveman found his hideout, in a cave Badanj. Those first residents left a trace, an engraving, a figurine of a horse attacked with arrows from its right hip. To those who do not see the significance, it is important to point out this is a first finding of its kind on the east Adriatic coast and the oldest display of fine art in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Improving the quality and diversity of the tourist offer based on natural and cultural heritage in the border rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.
This website is part of the FORT-NET project "From the Medieval Fortresses in Herzegovina to the Austro-Hungarian Fortresses in Montenegro" funded with the help of the European Union. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the project partners and does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union.
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